Starbound was 70-90% ready when they announced early access, but they've received so much money, expectations on both sides got completely out of whack, and they got stuck reinventing the wheel.
It's the difference between a coloring book and 3 crayons, and a 100 colored pencils and a white sheet of paper. Terraria with its updates also fell into that trap "that more content equals better" and now instead of a little gem it's just a jumbled mess of almost endless possibilities, none of which seems worth pursuing. I'm taking numbers from memory from the arstechnica articles.
What do you all We'll the've sold more ~1.5 Million units at the full early access price, which honestly is much better than many games which go on sale on steam, including terraria whith it's 4 million units sold, partially for 2 and 3 dollars a copy. I'm liking the newer versions a lot better than the previous stable one (which I didn't like), so good for me I guess =P It's a much more welcome development than most other recent early access happenings. It's still great to see that they're finally pushing for a stable release though. I don't mind playing a super buggy game, so the nightlies were good enough for me.
This is probably the most important thing they've been skimping on for the past year or so, which understandably made the game look really bad for a lot of people.
Nuclear throne together changelog update#
The update is now live on the unstable branch and is going into a stable release hopefully within the month. After what feels like forever, Chucklefish is finally committing into releasing the shit-ton of nightly updates into the big branches.